Two years ago I took the jump in to precision rifle 22.
Taking my trusty rabbit rifle I started by upgrading the stock to a chassis the next thing on the list was the optic.
At this point in time I wasn't sure how far I would go with the sport and decided on a budget scope to see how I got on.

Shooting the nrl22 out to 100 yards and the PR22 out to 50 yards at that point I found my optic held its own and I started to become quite competitive.
With the qualifying matches for the rimfire world championships starting we started shooting much greater distances all the was out to 250 metres. This was when I found the limit of my optic. There wasn't enough internal elevation to dial past 200 meters so I was having to hold a for elevation and wind. To much to think about when you've already got a lot to consider. I also found trying to spot the miss of a 40 grain 22 round past 150 meters very difficult.
Time for a change. I Decided enough was enough and if I wanted to be as competitive as I hoped then it was time for an upgrade.
There are a lot of premium optics out there and I took my time looking though as many as I could before I made my mind up. Having already owned a Vortex diamond back on my .223 I knew Vortex had great quality. After doing some research on line I had made my mind up the Razor gen 3 ticked all the boxes.
The day it arrived I eagerly mounted it to my 22lr taking maximum use of the mighty 120 moa of internal adjustment I used a 30 moa rail and 20 moa mounts giving me a total of 50 moa cant. This has allowed 30.5 mrad of adjustment on the turret allowing me to dial to 490 meters! for a 22lr that is and insane distance.
With the scope mounted it was time to zero and this brings me on to one of the coolest features of the razor gen 3. Everybody knows the frustration of trying to zero your getting close but your half a click out. Well this isn't an issue with the gen 3.
Using a clickless zero system you can get an exact zero every time which is crucial when shooting a KLY with targets as small as the round its self. After getting some range time behind the gen 3 I found the parallax to be very forgiving and although operating the parallax is smooth and effortless I have found I can dial once and forget for the rest of a stage.
The reticle is something I really liked and was a big selling point for me as it was similar to the ret I was already accustom to. I Know its very much a personal preference when its comes to the reticle but with point two and half mill marks its allows for very accurate wind corrections but the thickness is just right as to not over crowd the scope.
Glass quality is always a hot subject amongst shooters and I can honestly say its some of the best glass I’ve been behind. when your sending a 40 grain round out to 180 meters and your watching the bullet in flight not the trace the bullet.
Its very impressive and I often find my self stalling watching the rounds in the air curling in to the target.
The clarity is phenomenal and it allows me to make very fast correction when the wind decides to start playing up.
All this along with an exceptional warrantee that comes with every vortex gives me great confidence going in to matches. I cant wait to get it out on the creed moor and start smashing steel!
Blog post by Dean Hadfield @ The Welsh Hillbilly
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