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Boscabel Weapon Systems - Review
Team Jackal shooter Christian has been putting the Bel-Loc Bipod from Boscabel through its paces recently, here’s what he had to say….. Having a bipod on my rifle has become as important to me as having a scope. Whether I am out hunting or competing in a precision rifle match, I find myself constantly appreciating the convenience and advantage they give me and, as with a trusted scope, I want a bipod that is feature rich, easy to use and of solid construction. A couple of years ago, having had cheap and high end bipods fail on me, I purchased...
The life of a Precision Rabbit Hunter
Christian is our resident field hunter, he’s very kindly written a few words about where his passion for hunting rabbits takes him - As this is my first blog introductions are in order. I’m Christian, a precision rifle shooter and avid rabbit hunter. Along with my other Team Jackal team mates, I compete at precision rifle matches across the UK and I have my hunting grounds in North Yorkshire. Before discovering target sports and the world of firearms, I started out as a rabbit hunter, using my BSA Ultra SE .22 PCP airgun. Rabbit hunting is my first...
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